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Whitish Disease in Women


Whitish Disease in Women,penyakit leukimia,pengobatan leukimia,
Disease hazards Whitish in women

Vaginal discharge in women is often taken for granted by the majority of women, does not mean that is not harmful to health . Lack of knowledge about reproductive health and a shame to ask , usually the initial trigger of this whitish disease severity .
Usually they will be forced to come to the doctor when the condition is very severe . Surely this is not the best solution , given the result of the disease is not limited to injuries that occur in the vagina , but the deeper will be the cancer of the cervix and of course will be more fatal to life .

Generally , the adult female vagina there are good bacteria called Döderlein . The number of bacilli in the normal condition is dominant , which makes the vaginal environment is acidic so that it has a strong enough protection .
Whitish Disease in Women
In addition , vaginal discharge is also useful to protect themselves against infection . Normal vaginal discharge is usually clear and sometimes slightly turbid , odorless and not itchy . This is called a normal vaginal discharge . This normal vaginal discharge occurs when aroused ( lust ) , the time of ovulation ( 12-14 days after menstruation ) and during emotional stress .
In contrast , the occurrence of abnormal vaginal discharge ( vaginal discharge disease ) is often caused by a fungal infection , bacteria and parasites . Whitish vaginal discharge is commonly called pathological . This kind of a whitish yellowish to greenish liquid , numerous, thick , sticky , or foul odor , itchy or hot , even cause mouth sores vagina . This type of vaginal discharge should be wary , remembering can be one indication of cervical cancer .
The main cause of the disease is the pathological whiteness of reproductive tract infections derived from :
Fungus Candida or Monilia ( Color milky white , thick , pungent odor and itching . Caused diabetes , use of oral contraceptives and low resistance )
Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis ( a very viscous liquid , frothy , yellow or greenish and smells rancid . Transmitted through sexual contact , contaminated toilet lip and toiletries )
Bacteria Gardnella ( watery liquid , grayish white , frothy , and fishy )
Virus ( warts Growing very much and smelling liquid )
How to prevent vaginal discharge :
No matter where you go you should not forget to bring tissues . This is very useful for dry vagina after a bowel movement . When dry , the mold will be reluctant to be there .
Do not even use Talc Powder to keep the vagina dry . Because the powder is very easy to enter the vagina and cause new bacteria .
Choose underwear made ​​from soft and absorb sweat , so guaranteed no moist vagina . Change your underwear at least 2 times a day . Avoid wearing clothing ( long pants ) and using the tight jeans . This causes the vagina moist and easy overgrown with bacteria .
Consult with a physician in the use of vaginal cleanser .
For those of you who 've contracted the disease vaginal discharge , consult with a doctor who specializes nurses  this , do not ever be ashamed to ask everything in detail , because it is for the good of themselves. Discuss health issues our female organs with others ( fellow women / expert ) is not taboo even though it concerns our own very personal . It is of course for the good of ourselves.
For those of you who do not experience vaginal discharge disease , does not mean arbitrarily ignoring the vital parts of your body hygiene . There is no harm if you prevent vaginal discharge in yourself .

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