Cause Miscarriage and signs to look out for by the pregnant women
Disease miscarriage - you may be surprised to hear there was a miscarriage disease . Yes , in fact there is a miscarriage disease . Miscarriage is not only caused by the accident but there are several factors that cause the disease backgrounds someone who is pregnant may experience miscarriage.Para pregnant women is not
uncommon that scare the incidence of miscarriage . Surely will be very sad when nan cute little tiny baby that was envisioned should fall in the womb .
Well , it is therefore important for all of us good men and women to know what the cause of the miscarriage . Did you know that if the age of the fetus was already in over 3 months then the percentage will decrease miscarriage . Here are some of the factors causing miscarriages that occur that need to be known to us all :
There are abnormalities in the fetus caused by chromosomal abnormalities in which the occurrence during the process of fertilization . This ultimately leads to a defective embryo and removed from the body .
There are abnormalities in pregnant women themselves that abnormalities in the hormonal system in which the hormone prolactin, which is too high rather than progesterone . In addition there are also abnormalities in the immune system , chronic infections , and there is a serious illness that want by the pregnant mother .
There are abnormalities in the uterine muscle tissue or the tumor is referred to as myoma which could interfere with the growth of the embryo . Besides it can also simply too weak uterus causing severe incontinence developing fetus . The uterus is too weak then the pregnancy is generally only lasted until the first trimester .
Infection caused by the virus HIV , TORCH , hepatitis and others .
Disease may also be due to miscarriage life style style undertaken by pregnant women include frequent consumption of liquor , cigarettes , less weight or even obesity .
Diseases that occur due to miscarriage chromosomal abnormalities alone can be caused by several factors by this :
Autoimmune disease , which is an overactive immune response that is also called as the disease systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) and the antiphospolipid antibody ( APLAs ) .
There are anatomical abnormalities caused by abnormalities of the uterus or cervix parts .
There is an infection by germs that can cause miscarriage as hlamidia trachomatis and nesseiria gonorrhoe .
cause and environment .
Signs of Miscarriage
Signs of miscarriage itself is as follows :
Bleeding is a sign of miscarriage is the most common disease . Initially may be bloodstained then followed by severe bleeding . Not infrequently also ripped out the tissue with the blood coming out . The network can be derived from amniotic limbo or lining of the uterus .
Occurred stomach cramps / cramping like at the start of menstruation and occurs in the pelvic area . Cramps also occur relapsing-remitting .
Feels pain in the lower abdomen in a long time . The pain can also occur in the hip , groin and genital parts . The pain may appear a few hours or a few days after the symptoms of bleeding .
In general miscarriage caused by a disease that causes a miscarriage is very risky for the experience and it is difficult to prevent . But for those who caused unhealthy life style the most good advice and useful is to change. This would be a major influence on the health of the fetus and the mother's own . Therefore , for those who have an unhealthy lifestyle when pregnant will have to make sure they have changed the pattern of life !