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15 Benefits of Tamarind


Some of the benefits of tamarind you need to know

For Javanese society must be familiar with the name of the fruit acids. Trees are often used as a refreshment this ancient people did have a myriad of benefits to our health.
 For the first, the children were more likely to eat fruit is acid directly without mixing
it with sugar or brown sugar as a
sweetener. However, behind the apparently owned a sour taste of tamarind benefits sufficiently efficacious for the treatment of various diseases.

Tamarind benefits for the treatment of various diseases

1. Tamarind can cure Asthma disease
How: Take 2 pieces of banana peel and tamarind . Boil two materials with 1 liter of water until boiling. Then strain this mixture and drink 2 times a day.
2. Tamarind able to treat Dry Cough
trick: take 3 pieces of tamarind and 1 handful of sage leaves. Boil and boil until both ingredients with 4 cups water. Allow to  1 cup. Then drink 2 times a day during the morning and afternoon.
3. Tamarind able to treat fever
trick: take a handful of tamarind leaves are still young, and also take a little fennel pulawaras. Boil two materials with half a liter of water and leave it until the remaining 1 cup of water. Drink regularly 2 times a day morning and evening.
4. Tamarind Heat Hospital capable of treating
trick: mix 2 pieces of tamarind that has been cooked with salt and 1 cup hot water. Then Strain the tamarind water. Drink regularly until the heat down. For those mothers who are pregnant are strictly prohibited to drink this because it would be fatal for their content.

 5. Tamarind can cure rheumatism How: Take 1 handful of tamarind leaves, tamarind seeds last 2-4 mix both ingredients until smooth. Then compressing potion in the sick body.
6. Tamarind able to treat stomach pain
How: Take 3 pieces ripe tamarind, whiting taste and eucalyptus oil to taste.mix all these ingredients into one concoction. Then rub the herb rub evenly on the belly ache.
7. Tamarind able to treat allergies or in Javanese society called biduren 
How: Take 2-4 pieces of tamarind that is quite old and a little salt salt to taste.Add 4 tablespoons little whiting. Then all the ingredients boiled in 3 cups of water, simmer 2 cups left hinge. Filter clean this herb and then drink 2 times a day in the morning and afternoon.
9. Tamarind able to treat thrush
trick: boil 2 pieces of tamarind, ginger rhizome pieces dan1 2 pieces of coconut sugar. Boil until boiling, then strain this herb concoctions to drink as a powerful healling thrush.
10. Able to treat wounds tamarind new
trick: mash the tamarind leaves that have been chewed smooth on the injured body part slowly and evenly. Allow it to dry up a bit and then wash with warm water.
11. Tamarind able to treat ulcers
trick: tumbuklah 5 tamarind seeds and blend until smooth on then bandage the wound with a clean gauze.
12. Tamarind can cure Eczema and Ulcers
How: mash until smooth 1 brnch tamarind leaves are still young then add 2 turmeric rhizome the size of your thumb. Then put on the injured part.
13. Tamarind able to treat swelling due to a centipede or a bee stung
trick: Take 3-6 pieces of tamarind seeds and eucalyptus oil to taste. Finely crushed the seeds and add a little eucalyptus oil. Dampen first parts of the body stung by a bee and then pasted with herb mash the tamarind seeds. Allow to kemps.
Similarly, some properties and benefits of tamarind for our healthy. start to grow all the plants or trees that are beneficial to our healthy. Good luck!

15 Benefits of Tamarind 4.5 5 littleBrother Some of the benefits of tamarind you need to know For Javanese society must be familiar with the name of the fruit acids. Trees are often us...

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