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Gastric diseases and Stomach Acid


Gastric diseases and Stomach Acid,penyakit leukimia,pengobatan leukimia,
Stomach is an organ that is not less important for you to watch . Disease usually begins with a sore stomach ulcer , then in a state that suffered fatal or chronic ulcers will result in diseases of stomach acid . Disease is caused by stomach acid food sources consumed less daily source of vitamins contain a lot of fiber , because fiber is good for the stomach .
Stomach acid will produce excess acid if you eat late and eat foods that are difficult to digest by the digestive system like the stomach , intestines . Stomach has never stopped working to digest food and convert food sources and then decomposed into a source of energy for the body .
Here are some of the factors that caused the disruption of gastric symptoms , including :

1 . throw up
Vomiting occurs because the muscles around the stomach caused by the sudden contraction and eviscerate . It is caused due to infection of the wound in the stomach , food is stinging , or alcohol . Can also be caused by a disturbance in the digestive tract . Stale food or already has toxic content can also cause vomiting .
Vomiting can be many times over several days . Such a situation is usually experienced by women who are craving . Cravings are usually characterized by vomiting repeatedly . Additionally ,  hernia can also trigger difficulty in swallowing and stomach acid leaks into the esophagus . This disorder occurs when there is partial contents of the stomach and the diaphragm is pushed into the hole is very possible if they are pregnant or overweight .
If you experience vomiting and the cause is not serious , there are some steps to address that need to be done, including :
Do not eat solid foods before until nausea or vomiting subsides .
Drink a sip of water , although later vomited again
Do not smoke
Do not take medicines that high dose
To relieve nausea , do not eat anything and lie down until the nausea is reduced or lost
2 . stomach ache
Abdominal pain occurs due to the disruption caused by the stomach or other digestive system . Most , abdominal pain arising from small disturbances digestive system . However , severe pain and constantly needs immediate medical care . Medical care is needed if :
Abdominal pain ache for more than 4 consecutive hours
If accompanied by vomiting , but vomiting does not relieve pain
If stomach became swollen and tender
If accompanied by fainting , dizziness , or glazed
3 . catch a cold
Although trivial problem , but colds can cause bad feelings and torture . The cause could be due to swallowing air , hiatus hernia , incomplete digestion , absorption or imperfect . Exhaust air is one way to overcome the symptoms of colds .
Disruption of the digestive system of the stomach can also be caused by stress or excessive activity so oblivious to the needs of the body , such as eating and drinking . Irregular eating habits can also cause gastric disturbance which ultimately will affect other organs .
In patients with gastric disease should always pay attention to your intake of foods that are consumed every day by balancing the nutritional value , reduce spicy food , acid , foods containing preservatives and many others. Expand to consume foods that contain natural fiber found in fruits , vegetables and gelatin ( jely ) , exercise more and rest enough , and eat foods that are easily digested by the intestine .

Gastric diseases and Stomach Acid 4.5 5 littleBrother Gastric diseases and Stomach Acid,penyakit leukimia,pengobatan leukimia, Symptoms of Chronic Gastric Disease Stomach is an organ that is not...

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