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What causes tooth decay???


What causes tooth decay???

Cavities are the most common disease problems experienced by mankind.Moreover, the teeth is the most important element of supporters including appearance. Just imagine if you smile or laugh with dental cavities? It gets worse if the cavities are there in the front! Society does assume that hygiene and dental health has its own priorities, but not least also even have such thoughts do not take the time to take care of him. Yes, many people are lazy to take care of dental hygiene. Not only adults, children now also have often experienced problems cavities.

Obtain statistical research that 8 of the 10 children who are still attending primary school in Indonesial already experiencing problems cavities. There are even children as young as 5 years old are already experiencing problems cavities. Of course this is evidence that the level of awareness of dental health is still lacking in Indonesia. In fact, tooth decay can lead to tooth infection that would affect the tooth structure. Especially the back teeth, this will increase the possibility of caries .

Causes of tooth decay

What are the causes of tooth decay? Some argue that sugary foods and fizzy drinks are the cause. When in fact the truth is that consumption is the trigger, while the cause is human behavior itself. Well, here are some of the causes of tooth decay:

1. way improper tooth brushing
Surely all people find it easy to brush your teeth, but not uncommon for people who do it in a way that is not true. How can the truth? Perform brushing with a twisting motion and while looking at the mirror in order to be sure there are no leftovers are still sticky. When eating sweets and fizzy drinks, do not immediately brush your teeth because the acid will cause the spread. -Gargle gargle first, then brush your teeth.

2. Rarely toothbrush
brushing teeth twice a day is a number at least . Therefore, it does not hurt to brush the teeth more often after meals and at bedtime. This will minimize the growth of bacteria in the mouth and teeth. However, it should be noted for indirect brushing teeth immediately setelamh eat.

3. One of selecting tools
toothbrush that does not comply will result in inaccessibility of food debris in between the teeth. Therefore, choose a toothbrush with soft fur and heads are not great. In addition, you can also use dental floss correctly.

By considering the cause cavities on top of course you can anticipate to avoid.Additionally, you may notice some of the following as a precaution cavities:
Because it can not directly brushing teeth immediately after eating, then the actions that can be done is to rinse. This will reduce the remnants of food stuck in the teeth, but do not damage the enamel of the teeth resulting in fragility.
Make sure the toothpaste is used that contains fluoride . This serves to prevent the spread of cavities.
You can also chew gum because it can serve as teeth cleaning, in addition to helping you to stay focused on the job. However, make sure the gum does not contain sugar.

Well, by maintaining oral health, it will minimize the occurrence of tooth decay problems. Cavities will ruin the appearance and make you too are not free. You do not want to, right?

What causes tooth decay??? 4.5 5 littleBrother What causes tooth decay??? Cavities are the most common disease problems experienced by mankind.Moreover, the teeth is the most important el...

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