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leprosy disease


The cause of the disease leprosy and Leprosy Disease prevention is also referred to as leprosy and is also known as Hansen's disease.

 Once upon a time, the disease was seen in excess to reduce social stigma for the sufferer. But now the disease leprosy are familiar and people who suffer from this disease cannot be isolated from society. Leprosy is one of the chronic diseases that cause damage to the skin, respiratory system, nerves, testicles, and eyes. However, leprosy will not cause death or loss of limbs with ease as it is feared by most people. The disease leprosy is found on almost all over the world and are most often found in developing countries. Why? Because the disease tends to be associated with seedy and dirty environments that are commonly found in rural areas and poor neighborhoods. Endemic areas like this are usually difficult to get clean water, did not have a bed so that the bed on the floor, and malnutrition. Men have a risk of leprosy disease which affected more than women. 
The cause of the disease Leprosy Leprosy is caused by a type of bacteria Myobacterium leprae, which berfamili with m. tuberculosis, the bacteria cause TB disease. These bacteria are resistant to acids and when not getting good therapy can be increased up to six fold. Leprae bacteria grow and multiply on the part of the body that are warm like the folds of the thighs, head, armpits. and the middle part of your back. In addition, settled also at moist tissues of the body such as the upper respiratory tract, the skin, the vestibule of the eye, testis, and peripheral nerves. The disease leprosy distinguished three types, namely, leprosy, leprosy, multibasiler tuberkuloid and lepormatosa leprosy. 
Leprosy tuberkuloid cause the onset of one or more macular hypopigmentation on the skin and anaesthetics. Leprosy is the severity of the multibasiler are where skin lesions arise in large quantities and irregular accompanied sarah disorders so that no skin can be stimulation decreased or even disappeared. Because of its unstable, this type can be returned to the original level or even more and leads to a higher level, namely leprosy lepormatosa. Leprosy lepormatosa is the highest severity level, i.e. the arising of nodules, lesions, plaques, symmetrical skin skin dermis depleting part, until going on nasal obstruction and bleeding at the nose. Complications and prevention of the disease Leprosy leprosy disease Transmission may occur through infection of the nasal mucous, fertile soil, and the skin is broken. If the disease is not immediately received a good response, then it can happen complications in limbs, noses, eyes, nerves and abscesses in the testes. Member motion can lose the senses of taste and not working properly, the nasal cartilage damage, eyesight, testicular tract infections, and damage to the nervous system. 
Prevent disease leprosy vaccine BCG done. Meanwhile, the treatment of leprosy was originally done with Dapsone, but is now no longer used because the bacteria are susceptible to the drug. In 1960-1970, found the drug named klofazimin and rifampin, until finally combined back with Dapsone by Committee Experts WHO. Treatment with these drugs could not be carried out singly in order to avoid bacterial resistance. However, such therapy is hard earned by developing countries due to the cost factor are expensive. In 1995, WHO finally gave the free package for the treatment of leprosy disease endemic to the country. 
Now, intensive care and treatment to address leprosy is not difficult to obtain. Many hospitals providing treatment with affordable cost with effective results. The most important is as soon as possible take the right steps!

leprosy disease 4.5 5 littleBrother The cause of the disease leprosy and Leprosy Disease prevention is also referred to as leprosy and is also known as Hansen's disease.  O...

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